Thursday, January 16, 2020



What it is,

Rune World is a home brewed role playing system that I developed for a table full of first timers. My goal was to generate something that bridges the gap between super simple systems that are out there and D&D 5E which is the go to system for the masses. I wanted this connection because lets face it... damn near any and all source material out there is geared towards 5E so by keeping with that relation, I as DM would be able to implement any of those source books, tables, monsters, treasures and such into the game fairly easily. And, should the players over time become more knowledgeable in the game, if and when the time comes when we level up to 5E (or whatever the next version might be one day)… it won't be too much of a stretch for them.  

For years I used The Window rpg system which in my opinion is a fantastic system for role play focused gaming (very little dice use). Then I came across Index Card Role Playing Game (ICRPG) by Brandish Gilhelm and marveled at much of what he has created there. I decided to work on my own system that borrows from many systems and from many idea's of my own.  

What it is not, 

Complicated. Well... not by 5E standards or many other systems that are out there. There is a bit of a learning curve regardless if you are new to the genre. If you are an ol' crusty veteran (like myself)… then you might need to tone down your expectations and realize that sometimes... less is more. That's the end goal here... to not over complicate things which I feel most systems have done. You should be able to tell your game master (GM) that you want to shoot the Orc with an arrow and then roll for it. But in many of todays systems, you have to look at tables and calculate wind direction, velocity, what kind of bow you are using, what percentage of cover the Orc is hiding behind and so forth. I get it... those kinds of things are as they would be in the real world but this is a game... we are there to laugh, have fun, socialize and THEN kill the Orc. No need to get so deep into the mundane. Or, so I believe. 

So, all that said... using the index off to the right there... read on and get started. I hope you find the system usable and enjoy it. 

Happy Gaming
